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We Help Your Life Become Healthier Everyday!

Track, manage and define your daily calorie consumption with our website. This website is easy to use and very effective calculation.

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We provide interesting features

• Set Your Calories Goal

You can set a daily to monthly calorie target that you want to achieve.

• Regulate The Food Eaten

You can control the food you eat every day.

• Viewing Calorie Count

You can see the number of calories in the food you consume with valid data from a trusted API.

Let's Get To Know Us!

This website is a project to track human daily consumption and also apply a limit on the calories consumed. On the other hand, this website was created to fulfill the task of the Capstone Project in Dicoding in the Certified Independent Study program.

Listyo Adi Pamungkas

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bandung

Imam Firdaus Dwimeianto

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia